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P&F Charts


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Ich habe hier zwei Codes, die für Forex geeignet sein sollen. Aber bei mir funktionieren die nicht.

Könnte mal jemand bitte testen?


symbol = Name();
ccy2= StrRight(symbol,3);
Ccy1= StrLeft(symbol,3);
decimals=IIf(ccy2 == "JPY"  10, 10000);
Box = Param("Box", 10, 1, 100, 1)/decimals;
Reverse = Param("Reverse",3, 1, 5, 1);
j = 0;
Lo[0] = Box * ceil(L[0]/Box) ;
Hi[0] = Lo[0] + box;
direction = 0;
for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
if(direction[j] == 0)
	if(L[i] <= Lo[j] - Box)
		Chg = Lo[j] - L[i];
		n= floor(Chg/box);
		Lo[j] = Lo[j] - n* box;
		if(H[i] >= Lo[j] + Reverse*Box)
			Chg = H[i] - Lo[j];
			n = floor(Chg/box);
			direction[j] = 1;
			Hi[j] = Lo[j-1] + n* Box;
			Lo[j] = Lo[j-1] + Box;
	if(H[i] >= Hi[j] + Box)
		Chg = H[i] - Hi[j];
		n= floor(Chg/box);
		Hi[j] = Hi[j] + n*box;
		if(L[i] <= Hi[j] - Reverse * Box )
			Chg = Hi[j] - L[i];
			n= floor(Chg/box);
			direction[j] = 0;
			Lo[j] = Hi[j-1] - n*box;
			Hi[j] = Hi[j-1] - Box;			

delta = BarCount - j -1;
direction = Ref(direction, - delta);
Hi = Ref(Hi, -delta) + Box/2;
Lo = Ref(Lo, -delta)- Box/2;
Cl = IIf(direction == 1, Hi, Lo);
Op = IIf(direction == 1, Cl - Box, Cl + Box); 
PlotOHLC(Op, Hi, Lo, Cl,"", colorLightYellow , stylePointAndFigure);


GraphXSpace = 5;
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("BackGroundColor",  colorCustom1));

gridColor = ParamColor("GridColor", ColorRGB( 37,64,90));

symbol = Name();
ccy2= StrRight(symbol,3);
Ccy1= StrLeft(symbol,3);

decimals=IIf(ccy2 == "JPY" OR Ccy1 =="XAG",100, IIf( Ccy1 == "XAU" , 10, 10000));
format = IIf (ccy2 == "JPY"|| Ccy1 == "XAU", 8.2, 8.4);

Box = Param("Box", 10, 1, 100, 1)/decimals;

Reverse = Param("Reverse",3, 1, 5, 1);

j = 0;

Lo[0] = Box * ceil(L[0]/Box) ;
Hi[0] = Lo[0] + box;
direction = 0;

for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
if(direction[j] == 0)
	if(L[i] <= Lo[j] - Box)
		Chg = Lo[j] - L[i];
		n= floor(Chg/box);
		Lo[j] = Lo[j] - n* box;
		if(H[i] >= Lo[j] + Reverse*Box)
			Chg = H[i] - Lo[j];
			n = floor(Chg/box);
			direction[j] = 1;
			Hi[j] = Lo[j-1] + n* Box;
			Lo[j] = Lo[j-1] + Box;
	if(H[i] >= Hi[j] + Box)
		Chg = H[i] - Hi[j];
		n= floor(Chg/box);
		Hi[j] = Hi[j] + n*box;
		if(L[i] <= Hi[j] - Reverse * Box )
			Chg = Hi[j] - L[i];
			n= floor(Chg/box);
			direction[j] = 0;
			Lo[j] = Hi[j-1] - n*box;
			Hi[j] = Hi[j-1] - Box;

delta = BarCount - j -1;
direction = Ref(direction, - delta);

Hi = Ref(Hi, -delta) + Box/2;
Lo = Ref(Lo, -delta)- Box/2;
Cl = IIf(direction == 1, Hi, Lo);
Op = IIf(direction == 1, Cl - Box, Cl + Box); 
PlotOHLC(Op, Hi, Lo, Cl,"", colorLightYellow , stylePointAndFigure|styleNoLabel);

Lastc = LastValue( C);
Last = Ref(Lastc, -(BarCount-1));
Plot( Last,"", colorRed,styleNoLine|styleDots, 0 , 0, 1);

/* Grid Construction*/
PlotGridLines = ParamToggle("PlotdGrid", "No|Yes");
if (PlotGridLines)
SetChartOptions(1,0, 0); 		

end = BarCount-1;
bar = BarIndex();
begin =  Status("firstvisiblebar");

	ScreenHigh =LastValue( HHV(Hi, end - begin)) + box;
	ScreenLow =LastValue( LLV(Lo, end - begin))-box;
	shift = 5;
	gLine= LineArray( begin-shift, screenlow, end, screenLow, 0, 1);
	GridMin = screenLow;
	GridMax = screenhigh;
	step = round((GridMax - GridMin )/ box);
	Plot(LineArray( begin-shift, screenhigh, end, screenhigh, 0, 1), "", gridColor, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, 0, 0 ,shift);

	for (n =0; n <step ; n++)
		Plot(  gLine + n*Box, "", gridColor, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, 0, 0 ,shift);
		text = NumToStr( GridMin + n*Box+ 0.5*box, format);
		PlotText(text, end+2, GridMin + n*Box+ 0.25*box, colorLightYellow);
	VerticalGrid = IIf ( bar >= begin-1, IIf(frac(bar/2) ==0, screenHigh, screenLow), Null);
	Plot (VerticalGrid, "", gridColor, styleStaircase|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale, 0,0, 1);


Title  = 
"Interval:   " + Interval(2) + "\n" +
"Box  :      " +  Box*decimals + "  pip \n" +
"ATR :      " +NumToStr(LastValue(ATR(20) *decimals), 1.0) + "  pip";

Title = "PF with Forex Settings is not Suitable for this market";

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im ersten fehlt hier wohl ein Komma


decimals=IIf(ccy2 == "JPY" 10, 10000);


decimals=IIf(ccy2 == "JPY" , 10, 10000);



Verwendest Du einen Weißen Hintergrund solltest Du vielleicht auch die Farbe ändern.

Aber verstehen tue ich den dann auch nicht.


Beim Zweiten verstehe ich den Angezeigten Fehler auch nicht.



Dann habe ich aber hier noch einen gefunden,

aber keine Ahnung dazu weil ich mich seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr mit P&F beschäftigt habe da ich nichts passendes in AmiBroker gefunden habe.


( "Point & Figure w Values adj" );

GraphXSpace = 5;

SetChartBkColor( ParamColor( "BackGroundColor", colorBlack) );

//GraphColor = ParamColor("GarphColor",colorLightGrey);

GridColor = ParamColor( "GridColor", colorLightGrey );

Scaling = ParamList( "Scaling Method", "Traditional|Percentage|AVG True Range" );

if ( scaling == "Traditional" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 );


if ( scaling == "Percentage" )

Box = Param( "Box ", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 ) / 100 * LastValue( C );


if ( scaling == "AVG True Range" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.3, 5, 0.1 ) * LastValue( ATR ( 20 ) );

shiftChart = 0;

shiftLastClose = 1;

shiftGrid = 7;

shiftPriceAxis = 2;

Reverse = Param( "Reverse", 3, 1, 5 );

j = 0;

PFL[0] = Box * ceil( Low[0] / Box ) + Box;

PFH[0] = Box * floor( High[0] / Box );

direction = 0;

for ( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )


if ( direction[j] == 0 )


if ( Low[i] <= PFL[j] - Box )


PFL[j] = Box * ceil( Low[i] / Box );




if ( High[i] >= PFL[j] + Reverse*Box )



direction[j] = 1;

PFH[j] = Box * floor( High[i] / Box );

PFL[j] = PFL[j - 1] + Box;






if ( High[i] >= PFH[j] + Box )


PFH[j] = Box * floor( High[i] / Box );




if ( Low[i] <= PFH[j] - Reverse * Box )



direction[j] = 0;

PFH[j] = PFH[j - 1] - Box;

PFL[j] = Box * ceil( Low[i] / Box );





delta = BarCount - j - 1;

direction = Ref( direction, - delta );

Hi = Ref( PFH, -delta ) + Box / 2;

Lo = Ref( PFL, -delta ) - Box / 2;

Cl = IIf( direction == 1, Hi, Lo );

Op = IIf( direction == 1, Cl - Box, Cl + Box );

Graphcolor = IIf( direction == 1, ParamColor( "X_Color", colorBrightGreen ),

ParamColor( "O_Color", colorRed ) );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor ,

stylePointAndFigure | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor , stylePointAndFigure | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );

Last = Ref( LastValue( C ), -( BarCount - 1 ) );

Plot( Last, "", colorRed, styleNoLine | styleDots, 0 , 0, shiftLastClose );

// selected value

Value = IIf( direction > 0, SelectedValue( Hi ) - box / 2, SelectedValue( Lo ) + box / 2 );




PlotGridLines = ParamToggle( "PlotdGrid", "Yes! |No", 1 ) ;

if ( PlotGridLines )


begin = SelectedValue( BarIndex() );

end = LastValue( BarIndex() );

period = end - begin + 1;

if ( begin < end )


ScreenHigh = LastValue( HHV( cl, period ) );

ScreenLow = LastValue( LLV( Cl, period ) );

top = LineArray( begin - shiftGrid, screenHigh, end, screenhigh, 0 , 1 );

Bot = LineArray( begin - shiftGrid, screenlow, end, screenLow, 0, 1 );

Plot( top, "", gridColor, styleLine | styleNoLabel , 0, 0, shiftGrid );

//Plot( bot, "", gridColor,styleLine|styleNoLabel, 0 , 0 , shiftGrid);

VerticalGrid = IIf ( BarIndex() >= begin, IIf( direction == 1, screenHigh, screenLow ), Null );

Plot ( VerticalGrid, "", gridColor, styleStaircase | styleNoLabel, 0, 0, 1 );

format = 8.2;

for ( n = LastValue( bot ); n < LastValue( top ) - 0.5*box; n = n + box )


Plot( bot , "", gridColor, styleLine | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftGrid );

text = NumToStr( LastValue( bot ) + 0.5 * box, format );

xposition = BarCount + shiftPriceaxis;

yPosition = LastValue( bot ) + 0.27 * box;

PlotText( text, xPosition , yPosition, colorBlue );

bot = bot + box;

Graphcolor = IIf( direction == 1, ParamColor( "X_Color", colorBrightGreen ),

ParamColor( "O_Color", colorRed ) );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor ,

stylePointAndFigure | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );







Title = "\n" +

" Instrument : " + Name() + FullName() + "\n " +

"Formula : " + " Point & Figure (High/Low Range)" + "\n " +

"Box : " + NumToStr( Box, 4.4 ) + " " +

"Reverse : " + NumToStr( Reverse, 2.0 ) + "\n " +

"ATR : " + WriteVal( LastValue( ATR( 100 ) ), format = 4.4 );




This code by signature "apfxtrader" is the best I have noticed. It has three scaling methods Traditional|Percentage|AVG True Range.

He has also some ideas about exploration of P&F formations.

Search his signature.



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Den Komma Fehler hatte ich gestern, nachdem ich bei Google die zwei AFl Codes gefunden hatte, auch noch selbst korrigiert, hatte aber keine Lust mehr mich hier einzuloggen, auch weil ich darauf vertraute, dass noch andere schlaue Kommafinder existieren. :D


Beim zweiten habe ich auch keine Ahnung, was das bedeuten soll.

Danke für die dritte Variante. Die müßte man für Devisen auch noch umändern, wie es aussieht.


Bin selbst ansonsten kein P&F Spezialist und habe mich damit auch noch nie wirklich beschäftigt.

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