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Ich möchte meine Oanda Trades mit R analysieren. Leider hat Das Datum von Oanda ein Format wie im Beispiel.


					Date   Balance
1  January 1 16:00:00 2009 25980.34
2  January 2 16:00:00 2009 25480.22
3  January 3 16:00:00 2009 25580.24
4  January 4 16:00:00 2009 25680.31


Frage: Wie bekomme ich die Zeit aus der Date Variablen in eine neue Spalte und das Date als Datum Objekt um die Equity zu Ploten ? Danke im Voraus.

  • 1 year later...
# --- configurable data --------------------------------------------------------

inputFileName <- 't:\\Oanda.in'   # input file name of data file

# --- function definitions -----------------------------------------------------

readAndConvert <- function(inputFileName)
 # read data from input file and split DateTime to Date and a string
 # representing time
{ # read data from file, assuming a tab separation, which perhaps wasn't
 # displayed well in the HTML output of the data sample
 inputData <- read.table(inputFileName, header = TRUE, sep = '\t')

 # extract DateTime and Balance values using english locale time settings
 locale <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_TIME")
 Sys.setlocale(category = 'LC_TIME', locale = 'en')
   dateTimes <- as.POSIXct(as.character(inputData$Date), format = '%B %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
 Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", locale)

 equity <- NULL

 # split DateTime into Date (R Date data type) and Time (a simple string)
 equity$Date <- as.Date(dateTimes)
 equity$Time <- format(dateTimes, format = '%H:%M:%S')
   # character equity, R in basic package configuration has no special equity type
   # for time without date only, for date and time together exist the two types
   # 'POSIXct' and 'POSIXlt' and for Date only exists type 'Date'

 equity$Balance <- inputData$Balance

 # coerce to data frame
 equity <- data.frame(equity)

 rownames(equity) <- dateTimes


filterLastQuoteOfTheDay <- function(equity)
 # extract the data lines which represent the last quote of a day
 # assumes equity already sorted by DateTime
{ isEOD <- vector()
 for ( i in 1 : nrow(equity) )
   isEOD[i] <- equity$Date[i] != equity$Date[i + 1]
 isEOD[nrow(equity)] <- TRUE


filterLastQuoteOfTheDay.alternativeSolution <- function(equity)
 # same result as above but with more R tricks
 equity[tapply(rownames(equity), factor(equity$Date), max),]

plotEquity <- function(equity, plotType = 'o')
 # plot the equity against the date
{ yMinMax <- c(min(equity$Balance) * 0.95, max(equity$Balance) * 1.05)
 par(bg = '#C0C0C0', mar = c(8, 6, 3, 1), mgp = c(5, 1, 0))
 plot(equity$Date, equity$Balance
 , type = plotType, pch = '-'
 , ylim = yMinMax, log = 'y'
 , axes = FALSE
 , main = 'Equity', xlab = 'Date', ylab = 'Equity'
 , cex.main = 1.05, cex.lab = 0.85
 axis(1, las = 3, at = equity$Date, labels = equity$Date)
 axis(2, las = 1, padj = 0.35, hadj = 0.9)

# --- run the functions --------------------------------------------------------

equity    <- readAndConvert(inputFileName)
equityEOD <- filterLastQuoteOfTheDay(equity)
# equityEOD <- filterLastQuoteOfTheDay.alternativeSolution(equity)
# plotEquity(equity)
plotEquity(equityEOD, 'l')

  • Upvote 2

Ich merke korrigierend und entschuldigend an, daß in der Funktion readAndConvert() in einer Kommentarzeile


# character data, R in basic package configuration has no special data type

stehen sollte, wobei ohne die getestete Funktionalität zu mindern, bei irgendeinem Suchen/Ersetzen aus "data" ungewollt an zwei Stellen "equity" geworden ist. Habe es hier noch hinzugefügt, weil sich der Kommentar gerade auf die Kern-Frage bezog und so nicht sehr sinnreich war.

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