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Posted (edited)

IG Index offers highly competitive spreads on our forex prices. With current volatility leading to spread fluctuation in the underlying forex markets, from 23 March 2009 we are introducing greater flexibility to our forex spread structure – so providing you with new opportunities to benefit from lower spreads.

How it works


We have adjusted our systems so that we can constantly monitor spreads in the underlying market.


  • When they are at their narrowest, you can benefit from our tightest spreads (from as little as 1 pip on some currency pairs). This will usually be when market volumes are at their highest.
  • In most market conditions, we will offer our typical spread, broadly unchanged from now.
  • During times when spreads are abnormally wide, greater than one and half times our typical spread, our spreads will match the market – but only up to a maximum spread – our cap.
  • If market spreads rise above our cap, we will hold our spread at our cap, so you benefit from lower spreads.


For full details of our new spread sizes, please see our Dealing Spreads


If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please contact us using the details below.

Best regards,


IG Index

Edited by whipsaw
#EDIT: Wegen Folgediskussion aus dem Bereich News verschoben

und tatsächlich:




Der Spread variiert blitzschnell zwischen 1 und 2, was heißt das man zwar nicht abschätzen kann welchen Spread man bekommt, aber es werden sicher ein paar Trades dabei sein wo man den günstigeren Spread erwischt. Die durchschnittlichen Kosten dürften sich also für Trader mit einer größeren Anzahl an Trades vermutlich reduzieren.

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