MT4 Posted July 19, 2012 Report Posted July 19, 2012 Today I searched around the forums about profitable EA and New EA, I found new expert advisor with name of ElectroEA, I hope somebody has knowledge about this EA and can share his/her results with us, electroea website : w w This is Back test result of this expert advisorplease share your result here.[img=]
conglom-o Posted July 19, 2012 Report Posted July 19, 2012 Ja, Martingale und dann auch noch mit einem relativ hohen Hebel (selbst in den Einzelpositionen ist der schon bei ca. 5). Habe mal auf die Statements geguckt: Drawdowns von 30% sind da an der Tagesordnung. Risk sind 70 Pips, TP 40, d.h. man braucht eine Trefferquote von ca. 65% um überhaupt +-0 zu bleiben. Trefferquote scheint optimiert so im Bereich um die 70-80% zu liegen. Real ist das dann natürlich immer etwas anders. Aber immerhin haben die Trades einen SL - ist ja auch nicht alltäglich . P.S.: Der Anbieter sitzt wohl in China.
Mythos Posted July 19, 2012 Report Posted July 19, 2012 I would say thats a perfect example for an overoptimized, curvefitted EA.No Forwardtest but years of backtests... only 1 Drawdown in the shown performancecurves, but that ones a bummer... You better dont even think about trying this EA. There are better ways to burn money (although i guess that real burning would be nearly as fast as this EA). btw. not the best start in a forum. how about a short "about me"? Is this the first EA you found? Are you connected to the site in any way (sounds a bit like it)? 1
MT4 Posted July 20, 2012 Author Report Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) MM strategy for this is not martingale it's like Anti martingale I checked Forward test of this ea, h**p:// I had many post for sharing ea in this forum but all of them deleted, don't worry I am not connect with them. I want some body share this ea for me because I don't have enough money to buy it.Please look at date of my registration in this forum. (Member Since 19. Aug. 2010) don't worry my friend I am only Trader. Edited July 20, 2012 by MT4
Roy Awesome Posted July 20, 2012 Report Posted July 20, 2012 A helluva trader, i suppose. Can't even come up with 200 bucks? Maybe try a real job for a change, instead of half-arsed internet cons for a few hundred dollars..
MT4 Posted July 20, 2012 Author Report Posted July 20, 2012 I can do this but before that I need suggestion of others. I wanted to buy forex Envy but somebody bought that and they lost. and this is a new EA and I need your opinion. thanks
conglom-o Posted July 20, 2012 Report Posted July 20, 2012 MM strategy for this is not martingale it's like Anti martingale I checked Forward test of this ea, h**p://, it is Martingale. New trades are opened while the others are in loss - this is Martingale. Regardless that the lot size from trade to trade decreases. Anti-Martingale means that you will increase your lots in the market while the running trades are in profit. Believe me: none of the members in this community will give a penny for that EA. So we can't help you.Maybe you have more luck here: http://www.donnafore...hp?topic=6297.0 Sorry about that.
tnickel Posted July 20, 2012 Report Posted July 20, 2012 I have never seen a robot with over 100% profit every year. I saw many robot with good equity curves. But this curves are optimized and this robots are not working in the future. I think this robot is a you realy belive they sell a robot for 200 Dollars and this robot makes every year over 100% profit? thomas
MT4 Posted July 20, 2012 Author Report Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) I think this profit is regular. look at this h**p:// EA is martingale and the price is 379$, I wanted to buy this. But somebody bought this and they were not satisfied,03.26.2012 16:58 deposit 5000$ (Demo/Real I am not sure) --------> 07.19.2012 18:41 until now Balance is :$59393.90 The Price is 379$ , I think For electroea annually profit more than 100% is regular with this price. Edited July 20, 2012 by MT4
MT4 Posted July 20, 2012 Author Report Posted July 20, 2012 I found many EA with real account : CloveriX I saw in FX-Emit website , Forexenvy , Electroea , wallstreet-forex , I can't choose which one is useful.
Vola Posted July 20, 2012 Report Posted July 20, 2012 I can't choose which one is useful. Hi MT4 May be helpful for you. 2
Mythos Posted July 20, 2012 Report Posted July 20, 2012 , I can't choose which one is useful. Short answer: none. Thats just not the way it works. Ask yourself one question: why should anybody sell a robot for a few hundret, if it makes x% a year? If the EA would really work like that, the seller should better take a big loan and make heaps of money with the performance. The reason they sell the EA is simple: They make more money by selling it, then the EA produces itself. So dont buy an EA. Either develop your own, or get a "normal" job.
MT4 Posted July 20, 2012 Author Report Posted July 20, 2012 I thought about this subject before, This is my result : If someone can protect his EA and sell it he can work with bigger money and I think EA is forex instrument then in each job you can find instrument this means you can't say all things are Non-beneficial I think with can Find,My major is Financial Management (Master level) I am satisfy of my life, and my specialize is Foreign Exchange Market analyzing.I prefer to use trend line for analyzing market and some knowledge about news are enough for me. but I am so busy these days.about 1 years and 4 or 5 months ago I worked with Kangroo EA that was good for me. I withdrew 3500$ profit from this EA and I think today this EA is not useful and I have to change it. My mind is positive in life and I am sure with positive mind I can have Best things. I hope everybody have a Great profit from Forex Market.
Roy Awesome Posted July 20, 2012 Report Posted July 20, 2012 Ohne mich in die Agenden der p.t. Moderation einmischen zu wollen - aber sollte man so einen Thread nicht erlösen? In einem anderen Forum wird das so gehandhabt, dass Threads die nicht den Kriterien entsprechen, in einen eigenen Mistkübel-Bereich verschoben werden, in dem auch weiter gepostet werden kann. Dafür landet man aber auch relativ schnell im Mistkübel (was in besagtem Forum übrigens auch arrivierten Mitgliedern des öfteren passiert). Das finde ich besser als eine direkte Löschung. Erstens ist es lustig, den Mistkübel-Bereich durchzublättern, und ausserdem sehen neuere User, was den Qualitätskriterien entspricht und was nicht.
ronner Posted July 20, 2012 Report Posted July 20, 2012 bisher wurde das ja ganz elegant von den beteiligten Usern gelöst - sowas kann man dann auch mal stehenlassen denke ich (zwecks Abschreckung und so ;) ). @MT4, in our board we have a lot of great programmers and traders for any kind of (trading)software.They know the market well enough to say the EA you post here is scrap.
systemtrader Posted July 20, 2012 Report Posted July 20, 2012 Hallo Ich habe mir auch mal die Auszüge angesehen und sehe eigentlich keine Martingal oder auch Antimartingal Ansätze, sieht er aus wie eine Art Grid Modell er verbilligt ins Minus geschobene Positionen wobei die nachgekauften hin und wider kleinere Lots haben. Der Abstand zum nachkaufen ist scheinbar Variabel. Auch scheint er wirklich bis zu KO zu verbilligen 14 mal hab ich in einem Auszug gesehen. Also Kurzum scheint extrem über optimiert zu sein eine hohe Trefferquote kann gegeben sein aber früher oder Später ist das Konto Platt Basta!!!
systemtrader Posted July 20, 2012 Report Posted July 20, 2012 Man muss sich die Einstiege mal im Chart ansehen da bekommt man Angst
Mythos Posted July 21, 2012 Report Posted July 21, 2012 aber sollte man so einen Thread nicht erlösen? Wieso erlösen? MT4 hat die Frage gestellt was wir von dem EA halten und wir antworten. Solang keine Werbeversuche oder Beleidigungen etc. auftreten ist es aus meiner Sicht wichtig solche Threads zu haben. Denn genaugenommen zeigt genau ein solcher Thread die fachliche Qualitätssicherung die ja nicht von den Moderatoren sondern den Usern ausgeht. Der EA ist crap und das wird aufgezeigt. Ich würd es als Fehler sehen, ehrliche Meinungen über schlechte EAs ins "Hinterzimmer" zu verschieben. Wenn dann nach scrutiny, aber da wir hier eigentlich im international-Bereich sind: @all: This is the "International-Community" section and the thread (and the opening question) was started in english. Therefore i would like to ask everyone to please answer in english too.I dont know if MT4 speaks german but i am sure he would like to understand everyones answers. If there is a need for a german discussion on the topic, we better do this in another thread. thank you.
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