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Hallo, ich bin der Kerl, der die Videos gemacht. Ich fand dieses Forum, weil der Verkehr die ich in meine Website zu erhalten. Ich habe die Website geöffnet, weil die MetaQuotes wurde entfernt hat meine Videos aus allen Video-Kanäle. Ich habe MT-Manager und Administratoren helfen, Dateien hochgeladen dort. Zum ecnjesus.com die Hilfe-Dateien herunterladen und anschauen der Videos. Mach dir keine Sorgen, ich bin nicht alles verkaufen und es ist nicht Ihren Penis vergrößern Website. Vergessen Sie nicht, anderen davon zu erzählen.




Hello, i am the guy who made the videos. I found this forum because of the traffic i get into my website. I have opened the website, because the metaquotes has been removing my videos from all the video channels. I have uploaded MT Manager and administrator help files there. Go to ecnjesus.com to download the help files and watch the videos. Don't worry, I'm not selling anything and it's not enlarge your penis website. Don't forget to tell others about it.

  • Upvote 4

Hello EcnJesus and welcome @Tom-Next :Howdy:!

Thanks for all your work. By the way: You are more than welcome to write in English here.

So don't mind to participate in our community in the language you prefer. Should be more easier to understand than the rubbish google produces sometimes.


Hello EcnJesus welcome to our board,


hope you can write some more backgroundinformation about the work from backoffice with metatrader.


What solutions and options in detail you have in the backoffice?


Can you give us a better look behind?


thx a lot




PS: not translatet via google, hope you understand


Hello EcnJesus :Howdy:


Welcome in a Top German Trader Forum !


I`m pleased to see you here.

Your Information is greatly appreciated.


Let us know a bit more about your experience and background.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again.


Please write in Englisch, is better to understand than translate via Google.

(Many people here understand very good your language)


Hello Guys,


Thanks you for the warm welcome.


I have been working for various brokers in the past in different positions.

I started of as a customer support manager and later on climbed up to the

dealing room to work with client accounts.


Work as dealer - you are assigning people to different groups, let's say "big fish", "scalpers",

"risky clients(ones that might win)", ones that get "stp" to liquidity providers etc.

All of them get different treatment. The risky clients are heavily monitored and "often"

are helped to loose. The "noobs" are left alone on automatic - VD (if enabled) is more then

enough, they loose the money themselves. We interfere only if they start winning.

You try to do your best, to stay undetected. If you are hunting stops, you do it in hourly

charts candles high/low borders.


The important stuff you see in my videos. I tried to show the most "exciting" stuff. If you

want to ask something, try making to be more specific. I will do my best to help you

  • Upvote 10

...want to ask something, try making to be more specific. I will do my best to help you

Hi EcnJesus,

how can I imagine this process? When I watch your video I get the impression, that it is a lot of manual work,

which needs to be done by the operator, because he has to monitor the trades of the "big fishes" manually. Do the

brokers really have a kind of black list and then a bunch of operators concentrates only on those customers, visually

monitor their trades and then interacts with the SW in order to make them loose money?

I have no idea how many of the traders per broker are observed in this way, but I would expect, that there are a lot of operators

necessary for this task.


"big fish", "scalpers",

"risky clients(ones that might win)"

Maybe, you can give the Defintion for "big fish" etc. by a Retail Broker ?

(From your work, approximately in USD)


Anything above 10k gets attention. The more the up from that, the more attention. People with bigger accounts

are highly likely to damage brokers account by winning ant withdrawing. Making people loose doesn't mean only

to interfere with their trading - you might be pushing them to trade more and more, until he blows everything.


Depending on the company size, there are anywhere from around 5-6 guys watching day, 2-3 nights. For a huge

broker, these numbers will be quite different. A lot of work is done manually. We also do normal stuff like

deposit/withdraw money, act on the clients behalf on the phone etc.


The big fish get different treatment then others. If they are winning - they go straight to liquidity providers

then it's their problem. If they are loosing, they are being left under big magnifying glass inside the company.


If you are trading few k no one will care about you. Well not that much, at least. Market makers earn money when

you loose. So i guess it's to be expected that no-one is on your side. Almost no one ;)

  • Upvote 4

thx a lot for this look from the other side ... that explains a a lot of my history experience


is there a way or solution to put in a strategy or "work around" to protect the money?


In the moment all my ea´s have hidden SL&TP and the SL far away from the actually levels and inside my ea´s i have close trailings and second and third SL as protection.

Can you give a clarification why continues so long by the End of every Bar, the next Tick comes from the New Bar to the Data Feed ?

thx a lot for this look from the other side ... that explains a a lot of my history experience


is there a way or solution to put in a strategy or "work around" to protect the money?


In the moment all my ea´s have hidden SL&TP and the SL far away from the actually levels and inside my ea´s i have close trailings and second and third SL as protection.


I would recommend staying with ECN (non mt4) brokers. They have zero interest of you loosing. Quite the opposite. The longer and the bigger you trade, the more commissions

they get.

  • Upvote 3

Can you give a clarification why continues so long by the End of every Bar, the next Tick comes from the New Bar to the Data Feed ?


Could you please be more specific, I'm not sure if i understood the question correctly.


Could you please be more specific, I'm not sure if i understood the question correctly.




M1 Candle -> Time = 60 Seconds -> Bar is fineshed (58, 59, 60 sec.), but no new Ticks (Price is freeze) for ~ 3 - 5 Seconds or more (4 or 5 Digits Broker, no matter)

(Happens often beginning a New Bar)


Hi ecnjesus,


thanks for making those videos and for giving us additional insights. Today, when I tried to access your site again, I've seen that it has been shut down. Could you tell us more information what happened?


Die Seite ist 3 Tage alt, soll mal einer sagen wir bei Tom-Next sitzen nicht in der ersten Reihe. :aerator:

Mal sehen wie lange die Seite Online ist.



Hi ecnjesus,

Today, when I tried to access your site again, I've seen that it has been shut down. Could you tell us more information what happened?


I knew it would happen.

I have a Back Up from the Site


Great job Vola!


@admins: are there any risks for you to put those videos on this forum? Everyone should know and SEE that there are those cheating possibilities.


.// First off


Welcome aboard ECNJesus.

According to our server logs we have a lot visitors from all over the world, but just a few take the chance to get directly in contact with the community members.

So great to see you here and in action ^^


A long time ago we have created a dedicated subforum to give foreign traders the opportunity to chat with their german trader fellows.

The discussion in the original thread I have used to separate the english from the german stuff and moved it to the mentioned :pleasantry: international forum.


I hope that suits for you and may be it is the beginning of tom-next global expansion ^^.


Concerning the content (virtual dealer etc) itself I wanne write some lines a little more later the day.

Currently I just have a very little time to take care of all my private and business topics and community related stuff as well.


But Maybe you had the chance to read what I have already written why I believe, that virtual dealer is not a devils tools only. The intention (to develop and to use it) behind was primary to control risks.


Its popularity explode due to the "cheating" capability. It has been heavily used by bucked shops and my impression is, that VD saves the life of most of the offshore "brokerage" companies.


btw. The NFA has recently published guidelines for brokerage companies to avoid positive price slippaged.

From my perspective a step in the right direction.


IF any broker works agains the client, than this needs to made public. So it is the right way to share those information.

From my point of view your activities are :pleasantry: NFA complaint ;-)



btw. II- site is down, right.




@ECNJesus - pls give us an update when you get the time for


@swz168 - as long as they dont violate any copyrights, why not.

I have to ask our lawyer, what he says.

@ECNJesus - do you have signed any NDA with Metaquotes or your employer ?





Once again - we are happy to welcome you here!





  • Upvote 4

Hi remon,


the complete content of ECNJesus.com-website has been removed. At least temporarily.

@Youtube, Vimeo and other hosting services you can find Virtual Dealer related stuff but the mentioned videos are not available.


I'm not sure if all these actions has been triggered by metaquotes or by the company where ECNJesus has worked for.



btw. I'm quite sure that the stuff will be published somewhere else very soon.


btw. The NFA has recently published guidelines for brokerage companies to avoid positive price slippaged.

From my perspective a step in the right direction.


IF any broker works agains the client, than this needs to made public. So it is the right way to share those information.

From my point of view your activities are :pleasantry: NFA complaint ;-)



Here we go -> [ LINK ]


Page down. No sign of life since a few days. Should we be worried about ECNJesus?

No new Information about EcnJesus in the Web

  • 6 months later...

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